Comments (1)
so cool bro!
Late at night at your apartment, you get a knock at your door out of nowhere. Going to see who's at the door, you open it to see no one there, only a small and dirty cardboard box with a mysterious VHS tape with nothing on it. Being the curious person you are, you decide to watch the VHS tape. Putting it into your old VCR you had stored away for quite some time. You put it in VHS and let it play, letting the video play, it seems just like...static. At first it is, then getting more and more twisted. For what seems just like a broken tape, it's actually a cursed tape. Now, you let out the curse. Now strange things are happening in your apartment. You start to hear things, see things, things get real freaky, real fast. The monsters locked the only way out of your apartment. Now it's up to you to get out of there. Find the keys, unlock the door, escape, and pray you don't go insane from the terrors that await in The Cursed Tape: An RM10 Game. #horror #retro #analog