
Comments (4)

What do you think?

what td stands for

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Phase 1 - Interstellar Destruction

Hello. Welcome to the official page for TD!Dustbelief! This is my take on Dustbelief. Below we will cover the "Lore", Credits, and a Q&A!


**Play the GAME**


Q: When will I release the game?

A: Whenever it's done. It might already be released if your here late.

Q: Can I use assets?

A: If you use the stuff made that wasn't made by me, ask the owners. You cannot use anything made or edited by me.

Q: Can I help?

A: Well for starters, it's made in the coding website, scratch, but I am thinking of moving to uh clickteam but for now no, so that already limits options.

Q: Is there a discord?

A: No, not yet. I may create one, or create a category in my discord for youtube.

Q: Will a demo be released?

A: Maybe, I won't release a demo past phase 2, if I do tho.

Q: Will there be more questions/edits?

A: Yes, if something changes or if someone asks a question that I feel should be one here.

Q: How many phases?

A: 5 phases.


Original Sprites by Papyron95

Music credits will be added when I add music.

Battle Engine for the Game is created by MintyKnight

If I missed anyone OR anyone mentioned would like their name to link to something else, like if MintyKnight would want his name to link to scratch instead of his youtube channel then let me know.

Oh no tags.

#fangame #undertale #dustbelief #Notasans

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

It is confirmed! I am moving to clickteam, but I am working on other things, like a dustswap take. So, if you see other things pop up for games. This is my 2nd main project. Also, dustswap is my last scratch project, but posted here.

Hello! Another update.(Note they won't be this frequent), phases one and two sprites are done!! Also, the phase one music is done, which is just a bonetroule(Hopefully spelled that right) remix. Also, I started the sprites before the page existed.

I may transition progress over to clickteam fusion 2.5 developer. I am also experimenting with FL studio 20.
