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The Telescopium Incident

Version: 0.9.3about 3 years ago
- Version 0.9.3: - fixed a horrible inefficiency that made the initial fade-in take ages on slow computers - Version 0.9.2: - added a menu to save, load or restart the game - fixed a minor cosmetic bug in the lounge - Version 0.9.1: - expanded on the map screen in the midship to make it clearer what everything is - expanded on the ops screen on the bridge by making things a bit clearer and adding some extra sounds - fixed a textual inconsistency (Captain Hernandez had two different first names) - added some text to the credits about which ending was reached - made game play a little nicer with other windows when running in windowed mode - Version 0.9.0: original upload for #105AdvChal

Aboard the interstellar vessel ESS Redemption, CD-24 a small autonomous robot of the Cognisant Droid series (often referred to as Coffee Droid by the human crew for what they deem to be its primary purpose) activates from its three-hour charging cycle. Emerging from the charging bay, it finds the crew dead and the ship damaged. The Redemption's main computer has set main propulsion operating at full capacity to prevent the ship from falling into the gravity well of a nearby black hole. Though not quite at the event horizon yet, the Redemption is slowly being drawn in, unless CD-24 can find a way to escape certain doom.

The game has three endings: a good one, a bad one, and a terrible one. Can you find them all?

If you have trouble progressing through the game, I have put up a hint page.

The Telescopium Incident is a simple point and click adventure game about a cute little droid that has to escape the gravitational pull of a black hole, but it may have to make some serious sacrifices to do so. It was designed, written and created by Steven Don. #adventure #pointnclick

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