Comments (6)
made it to day 15
pls add download i cant play the game on the internet explorer
676 Days. I found a place that I was perpetually safe. I accidentally left it on all night, but I don't anticipate trying to beat that record. Yay for cheating, I guess :P
Very interesting game. I made a playthrough of it. Here's the link, in case you were interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XkF9lekbLw My only real problem was the lack of what seemed to be a real ending. I guess that was because you ran out of time to fully complete it. I would heavily encourage you to touch it up and finish the game :)
Ten Seconds of Night
You are a werewolf. Your small village is in big trouble unless you can prevent yourself from killing everyone before the Ten Seconds of Night is over!
W A S D - move, mouse to rotate camera. SPACE to use items.
Ten Seconds of Night is our submission for the 72-hour Ludum Dare 27 - the theme was simply "ten seconds"... We got a little ambitious for the time given and were unable to complete all of the features. It's worth a play, though!