
Comments (7)

What do you think?

The concept is very nice but the game is.. Meh.

Nice !
The window's height is too big for me and the game won't let me go fullscreen > I had to hide my taskbar in order to be able to see the game's bar.
I believe the stage's size also contribute to make the game more "boring" than it should : you spend a lot of time waiting for the ball going through the room, watching it do the work by itself.
Also, the bar getting stuck away from the direction of the ball sometimes feel unfair.

But overall it's a nice game and I did have fun with it.
Ideas for future versions ? Get inspiration from breakout games ! Multiple balls, bombs in bricks, ball that go through bricks, harder bricks that need to be hit more than one time, missiles shooting out of the bar, longer/shorter bar and so on.
You could also have a "breakout stress mode" to let the bar destroy bricks that are in its way. The number of uses could be limited, or you could have it simply cost points when used.

Last thing : it seems I should have gained all trophies in one go but I didn't get any ^_^;

its great :)


Tetrapod (Extreme Work in Progress)

Version: 1.0.0-9about 10 years ago

We, Daedal Studios, are proud to present the most unstable game we have ever made public! Tetrapod is going to be a crazy arcade game combining Tetris, Brick Breaker and Space Invaders, and it's no-where near ready yet!


We Bring Updates!


Yeah, it’s been over a year now, but Tetrapod has just been released! Worth the wait, right? There’s new music, a few bugfixes and the odd new graphic. Who knows, you might even notice!

Ah well.


Development Continues next Monday!

Development on Hold!


Update Time! Online Highscores!