
Comments (4)

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areu ognna finish this ever



Nectar Funkin' V1.5

Version: 0.1.5over 2 years ago

Boyfriend went to squidwards house to rap battle him and squidward wasn't home
5 seconds later a spongefly broke in and started begging for nectar

can you crush the competition and get this stupid bug out of squidward's house

also guys note that komsmastik's credit thingy sends you to the wrong thing if you press enter on it ingame that'll be fixed


prince fizz - director, made nectar, made some menu shit

inescapableboi (me) - did sprites for spongefly and squidward, made crap work, charted shit, and made swarm and spongefly

komsmastik - squidward chromatic

jakeneutron - spongebob chromatic


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

guys please note that the 3rd song has loads of moving objects in it so if you have epilepsy i suggest going into the files and erasing the images on the spritesheets in the song