Comments (7)
first off.
the icon for this game is FNAF
(game has no relation so far that I can tell to FNAF)
2 screenshots of faces
(not sure if taken from another game but they look very familiar)
(why ask for advice if you don't even have a basic idea of the game?)
game title
(same thing as description, you don't have a basic idea so why have a title)
now, from your profile you're brand new here. You most likely probably very obviously just started developing, and are young. I'm gonna guess around maybe 11-13. Now, since I know and a lot of other people know what it's like to start out trying to make games and failing horribly, I'm gonna give you some advice to making and presenting games here on Gamejolt, or any Game Presenting website (Indie DB, etc.)
now, for starters:
Game Ideas.
When you're starting a new project for a game, the very basic idea is the most important part. Even if its just something like a FNAF clone. Game Ideas can come from any source of inspiration, rather it be some sort of inspiration from another or multiple games, to being a complete original idea.
Game Engines.
Knowing your Game Engine is like knowing the battlefield. If you don't know how to traverse the basic parts of your Game Engine, how do you think you would do trying to make that game in the first place? For starters, try finding some videos explaining how to get started in your Engine.
Creating the Game.
Heres the tricky part. Your attention to how your game works is crucial. In most situations, depending on your game idea can affect the outcome of how your game looks and works. If its something rather story based, (RPG Games, Adventure Games, Horror Games, ETC). You would probably want to tell a stunning story with graphics. And while there are games that don't really focus on Graphics, they are still pretty good depending on the type of story. Others are more technology-based games (Puzzle Games, Others I can't think of for some reason, ETC.) These kind of games would rely more on the Scripting and how you use those Scripts. And while making Scripts for your game can be very hard, when you complete them they can be just as rewarding to you as they would be in game to a player.
Presenting This Game.
Now, presenting whatever kind of game you've created. (Or have a good example of what you want to create). Now, you would take some screenshots, maybe a video of a level you created, put down the base or finish idea for your story in detail or no detail, and list everything the way you need to list it. Now you're done, you've successfully started your Game Development Journey.
Alright, thats all I have to give you advice-wise. Good luck Game Developing!
my old computer had a virus but i am back
all rights given to code geass and flow and whoever made that song none belong to me copyright ya da ya da ya and you get the gist
What do you have already, as far as the game goes? Storywise, Mechanic-wise, etc...
the adventure of eric
i may need help and advice for this game