Comments (5)
I pretty much got two words and a bunch of scribbles on my paper, there was no way I could do any of the wasd keys and write at the same time lol
mmmm..I did make one drawing after being finished, and it's pretty much 1% inspirational as the screen said I have after playing. The whole confrontation between wanting to watch the funny scenes, while at the same time trying to live up to your promise of writing down words is getting one a bit of a cramp as to what you should actually concentrate on. Not even mentioning pressing WASD. I think the game still needs some balancing and the concept needs some choices as to what you want the player to actually do! (but maybe I'm taking this game more serious than it was ever meant to be...inspiration & art, my topic damn it!@)
I really like the concept of the game, i hope to see more stuff like this from you, nice work man! Once im done editing it ill post up my LP of it.
Fantastic. So original. There's a nice little rhythm type game, plus the greater metagame with the pen and paper. Hard to write down the words while playing (hard for me to keep up with the flying WASDs anyway!) but worth it. The sprites are simple but look great.
The Artists Day Off
Made for Molyjam 2013 in 48 hours
Controls: WASD keys
Your writing hand
Requires: A notepad, Pen.
Quote the game was based on:
I think the worst time i've ever had inspiration, which was a feature in black and white, was actually when i was being in intimate with my wife