Comments (8)
I'm not seeing a SPOILERS.txt file
the ganmes don't work on my computer i want to say the luncher start but not the game you can explain why? or try to made it work with Flash or HTML5
A really good concept! Wish this was a longer game!
The B Team
Created in 72 Hours by:
Edwin DeNicholas (@edenicholas)
Patrick Adam Webster (@tapretsbew )
for Ludum Dare 32, An Unconventional Weapon
A JRPG Battler in which the usual attack type tropes are less useful than the unconventional attack types.
Fighter - his sword arm is broken and causes 1 damage. Maybe enough to knock some sense into a hysterical person, but we aren't fighting our way out this one. His shield is really useful however. Use it to block all incoming damage and potentially knock an opponent off balance. He can Talk:Taunt to send enemies into a careless frenzy.
Cleric - she's fallen from grace, and her healing spells are very fickle. She can pray for help, sometimes that helps against enemies that the divine particularly hates. She can detect if an item is cursed. She can Talk:Chastise to force an enemy to confront their sins.
Rogue - her dagger has been cursed, and will heal enemies (living ones anyway..). She can Steal items, many of which are useful. she can Talk:Distract to attempt to throw enemies off balance.
Wizard - he's completely out of mana, so he'll have to channel the party's HP instead. His Scan ability is free though. He can read obscure languages. He can Talk:Reason to try to find a peaceful resolution.
Other Tips:
Even the gimpy main attacks have their time and place.
Talking to your enemy during battle can be useful!
If you get stuck, try fleeing the battle.
It is possible to make it to the final boss without getting hurt once.
Make sure to read the README.TXT for additional info and controls!
If you are really having problems, peep the SPOILERS.TXT for a WALKTHROUGH.
Toggle Audio On/Off
Press the 0 (zero) key
Advance through non interactive screens:
Press any key to advance through title, game over, and credits screens.
Exit Game:
Press ALT+F4 (Command-Q) to quit.
Battle Screen controls:
Select Hero:A, D, Left, Right, Gamepad Left Analog Stick left or right
Select Action: W, S, Up, Down, Gamepad Left Analog Stick up or down
Confirm Action: Return, Left Mouse Button, Gamepad A button
Close Item/Talk: Backspace, Right Mouse Button, Gamepad B button