Comments (7)
Hey, its me again, and just so you know I am not a game critic and I am not complaining or anything cause I know its not the full game, these are just some things you should fix for the game like, the opening screen is off screen, I cant move more than two steps without a delay, I cant really seem to turn on my flashlight, and finally the game is to slow and does not react to my input fast enough. I know I am just a beta tester [a crappy one I might add] but I am sure it will be an amazing game. [p.s sorry for the long list of crap]
er.. i get the Marble Hornets.exe and it tells me there has to be the datafolder next to it ._.
i don't have a data folder xD
Whats it about?
Marble Hornets Alpha 1.0
Location: Glennwood park
Time: 2005/9/21
Hello My Name is ***** _098766342 ITS HERE!! YOU CAN'T HELP ME NOW PLEASE RUN GO _343243456345434254657 ITS NOT SAFE738742897 THE BEACON SAFE 6678896786978 GO NOW STAY AWAY FROM THE TH TH%67 G@ NO# _8980989080980980980980980980989
Mild Fantasy Violence