Comments (7)
Awesome sauce!
I have read the plot just right now and I am still shocked. I hope to play this game soon!
Very well thought out story line, Hoping to play this soon!!!
Can't wait to play this! Nice plot!
You and twelve of your friends are having a party in the woods for your birthday. Not long into the party one of your friends has to urinate, so he heads for the treeline outside the clearing where the bonfire is. Later on his girlfriend realizes that he has not returned and starts to worry. She then heads out to look for him after a few seconds of waiting. Everyone continues on with the party as if nothing is wrong.
They were all wrong.
Minutes after the two are gone, everyone hears the high pitched scream of a creature they thought was not native to the land in the treeline. The bonfire goes out. The ten friends that are still around gasp and pull out their phones to see in the dark. As they all hear what sounds like small crunches on the ground around them their phones die. Slowly, you hear the sounds of what appears to be bones breaking and people choking. The bonfire sparks to life. As you look around, you see the hands, feets, and faces of your friends laying around you. You run looking for a way out.
This will be my first game of any kind. I hope to make it spectacular and hopefully breathtaking. This will be an escape type of game. In this sense, the it will hunt you down as you make your way to the exit point, but if it is close to you it will escape instead with dire consquences. This game will most likely not be released for a long time now as I do not have all the technology I need to make this game as perfect as I want it to be. In the (hopefully) near future; however, I plan to make a live action trailer for this game. I hope you enjoy it when I release the Alpha version sometime later this year hopefully, and thank you for reading and happy waiting!
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use