Comments (3)
This game was AWESOME! I really enjoyed the story! I found this over on! I really hope you are making more awesome games! Keep it up! You can see my entire play through over on YouTube! Jay's Horror Gaming
VERY good game!, really enjoyed it
The Building 71 Incident

Between 1997 and 1998, building 71, at a university in the south of Brazil, was closed after allegations of a gas leak. However, during this period, on several occasions, suspicious activities were detected from within the building. An employee whose identity was not disclosed, decided to investigate and record the origin of such activities. The man ended up being considered missing by the police, but portions of the recording are now being released to the public.
Entre 1997 e 1998, o bloco 71, em uma universidade no sul do Brasil, foi interditado por indícios de vazamento de gás. Contudo, durante esse período, foram evidenciadas, em diversas ocasiões, atividades suspeitas vindas de dentro do edifício. Um funcionário, cuja identidade não foi revelada, decidiu investigar e gravar a origem dessas perturbações. O homem acabou sendo considerado como desaparecido pela polícia, mas partes da gravação estão sendo liberadas ao público.