
Comments (47)

What do you think?


Hey, Its Just A Theory
I'm Not Sorry

me encanto este juego pero en si hacen una parte 3 seria muy bueno que el mounstro tuviera una apariencia espelusnate y mas realista porfavor pero el juego es increible sin duda uno de los mejores

these graphics look like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much like popgoes

Greetings and salutations, MaXoMer!

I played through both part one and two of Dream Theory and have a couple of thoughts: Your story is good, but you really want to double check sentence structure and grammatical errors. They can at times be a little distracting. Your monster is a little confusing, as I still don't understand how it came to be. Is it the ghost of the first child? Is it a hallucination? Also, speaking of the monster, his mechanics are a little wonky. On forested levels, he will disappear, and then reappear in the same spot after taking a step. Or spawn on the edge of the screen, which will produce a jumpscare if you don't see him and continue to walk. The camera levels were well built, albeit rather easy. I wish your mystery girl could have been an active part of the threats that you had to face in the game, as she is only mentioned. All in all, not bad. A good start.

I did a let's play, and I hope you enjoy.


The Dream Theory (Part Two)

Version: 1.0.1about 8 years ago

Welcome back to St. Alliston school.

The mysterious story continues to unfold, while you are surviving in your nightmares, and in reality as well.
What happened in St. Alliston school? What makes the killer to come back and murder? Why did Henry Clayton reopen the school
Now the story will be told, and all mysteries will be solved.


Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language

Fatal Decision