Comments (20)
my games are better than yours
It's pretty good for first actual games. My first game was a flappy bird clone and stuff... Also, royalty free music :3
no it isnt ;(
its really good for your first game :)
The First Games I've Made
This is the first games I've ever made (there made back in 2008). They're not good, so please don't tell me they suck. :)
There is currently 2 games in there (I couldn't fine the other ones). Press F1 for info/controls ingame.
Here comes some info about the games. Lets start with the FPS. The FPS game is called "Stick Killer" and is about killing all the stick figures, the game is incredibly hard if you don't use some kind of camping and spamming. The games art (pretty much everything that looks crappy) is made by me.
The second game is a 1 vs 1 game. You need friends to play this, or you could try beating yourself (which isn't really fun). Each player have 1000 hp and tries to kill the other one before he/she run outs of hp. There is several maps (10 i think) to play on.
There you go, Enjoy my old and bad games. This upload is pretty much just showing how bad i where at the start and to make new comers who doesn't make good games see how they look. Every one starts at 0 :)