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Episode 1 - The Simulation
Episode 2 - Meeting the floaters
Episode 3 - Encountering the Glitchers
Painfully hard, Easily addictive.
The year is 3033, you are 18 years old and you are an averadge person, untill one day, the owner of the most sucessfull company in the world comes to you seeking help! Play the game to find out what happens!
Mac & Linux Users!:
UPDATE!: Use the quickplay option ^_^ If it doesnt work, then read below!
Guys! I didnt forget about you! :D One issue with gamemaker is that to have your game exported to mac,linux etc you NEED that computer, retarted right? I need a mac to get it to export it on mac to get it as a .dmg! If you know a way to convert it without that computer pls tell! Anyways, for the time beaing you need to use wine! It doesnt contain viruses and what it does is it converts .exe to .dmg! LINK: http://winebottler.kronenberg.org/
Follow this game to follow the progress, folllowers will get a beta test for the next episode!
I've decided to do a telltale type system ^_^ therefore; *This game will allways be under development untill episode 5*** is released! I did this so it will be more enjoyable for you guys!
Tobacco Reference
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language