Comments (30)
Kinda sad this game didnt make it before time ran out... :/
this is a really cute game. I admire the plat forming. I like the art of the game, even the colour pallet is nice. the music is also really sweet, but you have to make more levels, it got really boring really quickly because I was just playing the one level over and over again. also if you are wondering why i was playing over and over again, is because GOD DAMN I love the music/plat forming/ colours. please use this great game idea, and expand it :)
This game was actually really amazing! :)
My puppies are hungry, please publish it as soon as possible. I feel guilty for not feeding them.
Looking forward to this.
The Fox
You'd rather rest, but the little ones need food.
Work in progrss. Jump on a rabbit twice to dispatch it; then bring to your kits. They need more than one.
Future plans include more food types and MAYBE a day/night cycle with days as "levels", each with different critters and plants.