
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Going to be honest, this was kinda trash looking back, glad I went though with Rejuvenated to be perfectly honest.

Never really completed this due to a loss of motivation working on it. The hardest part was probably the voices in this, which were tedious, might I add.

Sure, there might be more "content", but that extra content is basically a Maingame in the Chao Cave, the Maingame but DGR.Chao with two turns and Zeta Sim, which boiled down to "Pray Neutral Chao doesn't come and rewind you". I'd say the Aftergame was probably the best part, minus the bit with the Rift Between Timelines, that sucked, but there was a few problems with that too.

The Maingame itself wasn't all that much to begin with. There wasn't any NPC Chao to talk to, there was barely anything to do besides just running about grinding and fighting until you reach level twenty, kill all boxes, possibly end Zeta and the chao dopplegangers and then enter the chao cave, which I think was entirely different, and way too big, and then you fight Finallie Box A and DGR.Chao right afterwards, then the final boss if you got the true ending.

That being said, it does have some merits (mostly in aftergame) in my opinion, other than laying the groundwork for Rejuvenated. Goodbye Forest (on top of being based on what the Chao Transporter says your Chao will go after saying goodbye) and Peace Cliff were based on areas in this game's aftergame. Plus I Incorporated the Aftergame's final boss into the maingame of Rejuvenated as the second phase of the final boss.

Jesus christ I go on for too long.


The ****ing Chao Garden (UNFINISHED)

Version: 1.0.0about 9 years ago
The unfinished version of the game. See devlog made on the game's cancellation

I actually have officially jumped on the fboys bandwagon. Haters gonna hate.

That aside, welcome to the Chao Gardens, where Chao roam and do stuff like eating fruit.

What's this?! Bad Quality Fruit (Couldn't use actual name because profanity) have invaded the Chao Gardens!? Well, it's up to Neutral Chao and his friends to stop them.
Are you ready to have a grand night of debauchery while gathering Hero Chao and Dark Chao? Then get ready to take a **** on some Chao Boxes!

This game includes:

  • Punchy Punch! Yeah, its not punch anymore.

  • Bosses that may or may not cause you to rip your own hair out!

  • Tedious Grinding!

  • Boat!

  • Voices done by Text-to-Speech Programs! (Well, oddcast)

  • Hero Chao playing Halo!

  • Dark Chao pleasing himself.

  • Boxes to punch

  • BONUS NIGHTS! (Chances are that Solo Mode and Debug Mode will come in a future update)

  • No...No no no...WHY?! (I hate you unwinnable boss you always ruin the game for me. Oh wait, that's why Chaos Drives exist)

  • Omochao on the Game Over screen. Yeah, thats right, major punishment for dying.

  • Computer Crystal, where you can use trinkets and buy items needed to recruit allies

  • Maps that probably don't even resemble the chao gardens.

  • Trinkets that aren't obtainable yet.

This game is a tribute to Five Nights at Fboys and Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonic the Hedgehog is a trademark of SEGA

To Do List:
Computer Crystal Options
Achievement linking
Debug Mode
Solo Mode

Note:I rearranged the todo list. I could easily get Debug Mode done. The Computer Crystal options have been moved to second priority.

You will need the RPG Maker VX Ace Runtime Package to play this game, the link of which I have conveniently copy and pasted below.


Drug Use
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

Rejuvenation of the The F*ing Chao Garden. Go git.

Game Cancelled/RIP TFCG

Aftergame almost complete!

Well, how will I do this?

Aftergame Progress