
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Hmm... the game needs a lot of improvements. I liked the lightning of the lantern, i liked the steps sounds, but it needs way more than these things, like, put more enviroments, things that can entertain more the player visually, and not just some empty hallways. The jumpscares wasnt cool, but if it was supossed to players jump off the chair, yeah you did it XD, but it was a lot of unecessary jumpscares man, and it was the same ones with the same sounds/screams.

Anyway, the game is kind okay, keep improving, peace

Nice game. Got me good once.

Nice game! You should try some of mine to!

Not bad. I think it needs a bit of work but it's got some potential. I enjoyed playing it and would like to see where you go with it.

I was having problems with the drawers. they kept opening slightly for me then getting stuck. Must be something on my end because I watched stepingames video after I played it and he didn't have any problem like that.

Jumpscares could be a bit better as you already acknowledged. It would be nice to have at least one different thing in it too, aside from the single image jumpscares.

Random idea that comes to mind is it would be cool if as you come up to a corner something is peering around it and runs off or vanishes. Don't know if that really fits into the story well, just popped into my head.

I made a video of it if you'd like to see it:

It was awesome, I loved it! A lot of jumpscares! Great job! But there could be a map, the labyrinth is so huge, that I got lost there like 10 times :D But still, grea job! Thank you for the game tappo! I made a gameplay of it : Hope you like it.!

You are traped in a dream because your mother and your father wants you to join them in the world of death (they died in a car accident), the only way to survive the dream is to find the exit. and wake up.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

If you want new updates

Remember guy’s that if you want other updates you have gotta tell me something new and cool to add


incoming new update V 0.2

incoming a new 3D jumpscare in V. 0.2

First big update!

First Beta released!!