
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Great games are included at <a href=" "rel="dofollow"></a>

Kids love Halloween a lot, some of them play outside with their costume and some are staying inside house playing zombie and horror games like the games been shown at

Is there a way to get down the stairs in the cabin at all, or am I misreading that room?

You gotta find the gun and than all you have to do is simply press the FIRE button. (the controls should be explained in game)

How do I shoot the zombie @neighbour 's house? I don't get it! Anyway, I enjoyed the platform style! :)

The Last Halloween is a survival horror game made for the 64digits Halloween Competition. It placed 4th in the competition.


  • retro graphics

  • decent lighting

  • platforming and shooter based gameplay

  • short game time

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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