Comments (4)
Oh my goodness. I was sitting here, planning out my own suicide when I came across your game. I aimed the gun and ended it all...and that was very cathartic for me. I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Anorexia Nervosa...and I want to end my miserable life I made two attempts--the first one was an overdose, and I nearly died. I was sent to a Psychiatric Hospital for 11 days. The second was hanging, and I was spared when it came loose and I dropped down to the floor. I broke a lot of blood vessels in my face (called petechiae) and when I saw my psychiatrist the next day, she sent me to the hospital immediately because I had made an attempt.
This game was a relief to actually act it out without actually doing it. I have heard that quote about suicide in the hospital, and I wish I could believe it. Thanks for making this game. I do a lot of these kinds of games on my YouTube channel (Mama ToFive1971) and I also use them as a way to get the message out that if you are feeling that low that you need to get help...yah. I am a hypocrite and I don't listen to myself. I know.
Great game 5/5!
I can relate being diagnosed with both depression and bi- polar distorter the last few years have been horrid. I think my first mistake was being around people who wanted to stay sad not get happy. In about two months it'll be the first year 'anniversary' if you want to call it that, of me attempting to commit suicide the doctor said if I had taken one more pill I would've died, but a message I want to tell you and all others who have similar feelings. is It DOES get better. I know you've probably heard that thousands of times already but what you' haven't hear is that the second I took those pills I realized my mistake and everything that was making me depressed and sad they all could be fixed. Every single one. Call it what you will but I'm still alive for a reason, and I don't want to hide my story in amberissment or shame, but to use it as tool, something others could learn from and with a loving family and friends we all can conquer our depression and live a normal, happy life. <3 to you all
I'm really sorry. I've had bouts of depression and, when I was a teenager, frequently had suicidal thoughts, but I think eating right, exercising, and becoming a Christian especially helped turn my life around.
I hope things get better for you, brother.
Pretty deep. The game helps convey the message, but I feel the description is the main piece. I don't suffer from depression, so I probably couldn't understand as much as anyone else. Still, I felt the mood none the less. Mood aside, it was actually a pretty smooth "game". Great job, man. 4/5
The Last Tutorial
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Please play the game before reading this description
Hi all,
My name is Dusty Ryan and I am the game director at Podunk Studioz and I made this game, now I know this game isn’t the longest (it should take less than a minute to play), and isn’t the most cutting edge in terms of graphics but I didn’t set out to make that kind of game.
I made this game for me. I suffer from chronic depression and I have so for years and I’m not proud to say that on multiple occasions I have felt so low that I actually attempted suicide and thanks to the intervention of a few good friends who had to quit literally stop me from doing it, I was unsuccessful. Recently things got really bad and I could feel that I was heading down that dark road again so I decided to give myself a challenge, something I could do to take that negative energy and put it to good use and keep my mind out of that dark place. The challenge was to use my medium of choice video games and trade as a designer and programmer to express how I was feeling in as minimalist way as possible and still get the message across. So I went to work and as I was working it gave me a way to at my own pace deal with those dark emotions and really focus on why I was feeling this way. Then when I finished up the principal code work and testing I noticed something, I felt better and after I played through the finish game with all of the moving pieces put together I realized how much of a cord it struck with me as a person and that is why I decided to bring it here because I want to see what cords if it any it strikes with other people. I welcome any and all feedback please feel free to contact me I will respond to any and all emails or any other contacts.
I want to make a special note to anyone who is like me and suffers from depression and has had those dark thoughts, please tell someone how you are feeling. Please contact someone anybody and just talk sometimes just having someone listen can make all the difference. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone around you for fear of what they might say I invite you to talk to me, email me contact me on Facebook or twitter or we can set up a skype call or whatever. I will be more than willing to listen and I know what you are going through, like It says in the game reach out you are not alone.
Thank you so much for playing and thank you even more for taking the time to read this, I love all of you and hope you have a great day.
Podunk Studioz