Comments (38)
Hey there, I did your full game but had a different kind of ending to what I was expected, let me know if I stumbled on to something. But it certainly had the atmosphere.
YouTube: Fellowplayer
The soundtrack to this short horror game is very creepy and easily the best thing about it! It really creeps you out! This game looks very promising and will be great after a few more updates and tweaks.
If you'd like to watch gameplay footage before downloading, you can so here:
nice short little horror game. i like the cutscenes.
I'm installing 0.2.0 and will give it a try.
By the way, since you have a full release now, your version number should probably be 1.x.x, where the x's would indicate minor patches and updates. Since you already released your 1.0.0, and have already made a bug fix, the new release should probably be something like 1.1.0.
Generally speaking, minor updates (for example, fixing text typos or small things unlikely to really impact gameplay) would increment the third digit (1.1.x), mid-range updates (like adjustments in difficulty, item placement, or environmental adjustments such as textures and lighting) would increment the second digit (1.x.1), and major version releases (when you've made significant updates that have heavy impact on the overall experience, virtually making the previous version obsolete entirely) would increment the first digit (x.1.1).
This game was very cool and interesting! Great job! :D https://youtu.be/YCCgdcdbmDM
This is not the full game, this is just the demo
The Obscurement
The full release (may be buggy)
Game Soundtrack
Title - Matthew Pablo
Before you read, I am proud to say that this game was used in the 2018 Oklahoma TSA State Competition in Norman on April 11-13 where it placed 2nd among 25 excellent entries only a few points shy of taking the top spot. This game is my first successful game and I really hope you enjoy playing it. Any feedback is appreciated.
This game is called “The Obscurement” for the reason that the player is always obscured from what is going on. The game begins with Daniel, the main character, coming out from his tent. Daniel comes to find that his camp site is empty. He starts toward the only car in the camp and is denied when the car starts up and drives off down the only road in. He then follows the road and comes to a fork. Down the right path, a cemetary, down the left path, a house. He goes into the house and the door becomes locked. Daniel looks around the seemingly eerie structure and finds there is a basement. He goes into the basement and at that point he feels like he is not alone. He begins to look for a way out and finds that the only two doors in the room are locked. After completing a puzzle the key is presented and the exiting door is unlocked. After stepping into the new room, the perspective switches to Shey. Shey is one of Daniel’s friends that we get to play as. She is introduced with a cutscene showing her wake up off of the floor. She then escapes the room with her lockpicking skills and explores the environment outside the room. As she is walking into the next area, a man steps out from where she came and runs after her. Shey is chased to the back where a door seals the antagonist on the other side. She then looks around to see three possible exits. All of which are locked. Shey finds a key on the ground next to someone less fortunate than herself and uses it to escape where she finds Daniel and they both make their run for it. What happens at the end is obscured from the player, leaving the player to put together his/her own idea of if the two make it out.
This is a horror/simulation I made myself along with inspiration from my friends. It is completely done and everything is fully functional. Please be sure to list any bugs/problems you encounter so I can get them fixed right away. However it is unlikely to find bugs, it could always happen.
The purpose we tried to achieve with this game is just the same as any other purpose you would find behind a suspenseful thriller. Suspense. At least that is what we think. We tried to really put the player on the edge of their seats, playing more and more until their need for another minute is satisfied.
One thing to know about the game; don't get excited about action or fighting monsters. The goal is to run away from the monsters and the overall goal of the game is to give that eerie horror feel. It's more of an environment stroll than it is an actual video game.
System Requirements (these are my specs and the game is playable with minimal lag):
AMD FX 6300 or equivalent
MSI R7 370 or equivalent
8GB DDR3 RAM or equivalent
Please check out my other games (in order from coolest to not-coolest):
If you see any of your work listed here with incorrect information reguarding the owner of the rights, please e-mail me at [email protected]
The main menu background music - Matthew Pablo: http://matthewpablo.com/
Cemetery Pack - Licensed under CC 3.0
Ambient Horror SFX - “All assets [downloaded] from Jameza can be used in both personal and commercial products. Redistribution is not allowed”
Low-Poly Rocks - Licensed under CC 3.0
Lighting Generator - Licensed under CC 4.0
Hospital Pack - Licensed under CC 4.0
Foliage Pack - “Hey man! Of course, feel free! What's your game called so I can have a wee peek! :)”
Rocky Meadow Assets - Licensed under CC 3.0
Victorian Streetlights - Licensed under CC 4.0
Warehouse Environment - Licensed under CC 3.0
XLockPick - Licensed under CC 3.0
Campfire - Licensed under CC 4.0
Bus - Personal Use for educational purposes, fan art, game mod, or machinima
FireGTO - Licensed under CC 3.0
Chain - Licensed under CC 4.0
Underground Industrial Props - “Hey, feel free to use it, let me know when the game is out...cheers”
Armchair - Licensed under CC 3.0
Flashlight - “for commercial and non-commercial use”
Rusty Key - “Free for any use as long as you credit me - https://sketchfab.com/kloworks”
Wood House - Personal Use License
Petroleum Lamp - Personal Use for educational purposes, fan art, game mod, or machinima
Moon - Licensed under CC 3.0
Rocks Pack - Licensed under CC 3.0
Screaming Statue - Licensed under CC 4.0
Lever - Attribution License 4.0 (Tirarex, https://sketchfab.com/tirarex, no changes were made)
Tents - Licensed under CC 3.0
Also, if you're still reading this description, check out my website I made with GameJolt (It's pretty bad but I intend on making it look better later) -> https://imadeagame.gamejolt.io/
Animated Bloodshed