Comments (10)
Nice game. Little messy, but the controls work. Good job :)
So much chaos! Nice job with the intenses gameplay. The visuals aren't bad either. Good entry!
Check out our title if you have a chance
Challenging game. I included it in part 26 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/jrv7vlDEzrw

Inbalanced game yet easy to rack score from
I can understand the idea of portals and various enemies but the starter is too much. I mean there are 3 or 4 portals at first then with each spawning 5 blocks at a time, it's easy to get surrounded by blocks and get killed
Also I think the screen shake effect when swinging sword is pointless and annoying
Having to manually send the score isn't that useful.
There were a few bugs left, but it was fun anyway.
Good job.
The Painted Foe
Lord Blockulus the unseen sends his Blocks to claim your realm,you must block his path by destroying his evil blokes.#indiesvsgamers