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The Hero Intro

I can't believe what has happened to the timeline
of history. The 5 Gods of the Underworld knew that
they couldn't beat the Holy One on her terms.

So what did the Gods of the Underworld do?
They stormed the Heavens Gates with their mighty
army. While the Holy One was distracted the Gods
of the Underworld stole the Dragon Armor.

The Dragon Armor was created from the scales of
of our creator Dragnard the Great. With the
Dragon equipment the 5 Gods have traveled back
in time before Dragnard the Great created the
Dragon Armor and the Holy One.

While Dragnard the Great was asleep the God Chaos
had killed him. When this happened the Gods of the
Underworld could not return to the future. Why,
because the one who controlled time has died so time
itself has stopped.

Do not fear because all is not yet lost. The Dragon
Armor can grant wishes when they are all worn
by one that fights for freedom for everyone.

Who and where is this person you ask my children.
I do not know, but do not fear the time has come for
them to rise.

Villain Intro

You have been teased, punished, and laughed at just
because of your dream to become the new Holy One.
After being bullied by others you want to become the
new Holy One for new reason to rule all others with
a Iron Fist.

You set out on your journey battling monsters to
grow stronger. All of a sudden a strange figure
appeared out of now where. You didn't know nor would
he tell you his name all he said was "go to Fort
Smith their your journey will begin".

Who was this strange looking man and why did he
even bother to talk to you? That question leaves a
desire in your heart to travel to Fort Smith.

Hero Character Bios

Male & Female - you are a young boy/girl(nineteen) that has to start their journey because of a major tragedy. Not only did your brother die, but also Dragnard the Great the god of all creation.

Villain Character Bios

Male & Female - you are a young boy/girl(nineteen) that has started their journey because at first you wanted to prove that you are a better being than your mother, but now you want to crush all who stand in your to ultimate domination.

Hero Classes

Male & Female

  • Soldier

  • Weapon: Axe

  • Armor: General Armor, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Small
    Shield, and Large Shield

  • Monk

  • Weapon: Claw

  • Armor: General Armor, Light Armor

  • Paladin

  • Weapon: Spear

  • Armor: General Armor, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor

Villain Classes

Male & Female

  • Swordsman/woman

  • Weapon: Sword

  • Armor: General Armor, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Small Shield, Large Shield

  • Archer

  • Weapon: Bow

  • Armor: General Armor, Light Armor, Medium Armor


  • Weapon: Staff

  • Armor: General Armor, Light Armor

Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language

The Realm of Dragnard the good and bad news

The Realm of Dragnard