
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Awesome! I love this game so much!

Really cool! Good idea! :)

"The RunneR" is an endless running game with endless amounts of fun!


*Unlockable characters!

*Different levels to choice from!


*An awesome Stat system!

*Tight Controls!

*Super Easy to play!

With a wide variety of Achievements, Stats, Levels, and Characters, The RunneR is sure to give you hours upon hours of fun and excitement!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Adding Characters!

Hey guys, I’m kinda stuck in a rut on new chatacter designs, and I’d love to hear who you would like to see in this game! Post a comment on the games page telling me who it is you’d like to play as, and ill try to make it happen!