Comments (4)
muy divertido, busque u juego de surf y lo encontre, gracias. los invito a jugar a mi juego the fantastic adventure of a ball. saludos
The idea of the game is attractively weird, and the pixel art-style is well made. However, the levels and design don't have as much meat as it could to keep things interesting. I did notice that the stars disappeared a bit faster, and then red stars deducted what you had already, but something with more substance -- something that stands out -- would benefit this game greatly.
We made a video of this game here:
The Surfer - Dolphins Attack
The Surfer - Dolphins Attack
Our first game, developed for GameJam 2014 - Villa María, Argentina "Make a game in 24hs."
Play with arrow keys: Collect the stars and avoid the evil dolphins
Game Designer: Juan Manuel Duarte
Programmer: Marcos Pazzarelli - Javier Cano
Graphics: Javier Cano
Music & FX: Sebastián Castro - Guillermo Gribaudo
Thanks: Emmanuel Rubio - Heroes Studios
Nuestro primer juego, desarrollado para la GameJam 2014 - Villa María, Argentina "Hacer un juego en 24hs."
Juega con las flechitas: Junta las estrellas y esquiva los delfines malditos
Diseñador de juego: Juan Manuel Duarte
Programación: Marcos Pazzarelli - Javier Cano
Gráficos: Javier Cano
Musica y efectos de sonido: Sebastián Castro - Guillermo Gribaudo
Agradecimiento: Emmanuel Rubio - Heroes Studios