Comments (41)
This game is great! I love how the world is so well-defined and the characters all have their quirks. The humor is good, the game is consistent and playable, and I love the variety even in the small amount of world we're actually given so far.
I will be honest: I didn't like the rib puzzle. I felt like it was really, really finicky to click the ribs, and trying to match that music to the number of ribs given was really difficult for someone not musically inclined. ;)
Still, I really enjoyed this and am looking forward to more episodes!
If you want to see my playthrough of episode 1 on YouTube, it's in two parts: https://youtu.be/lcOgXLw6DaQ + https://youtu.be/sqjBRB_hK84
Hello! I loved your game, it had awesome characters and great humour between them and looked cool. I made a let's play of it here~
This was one of the greatest things I have ever played on gamejolt! Funny characters, wonderful story, great art style. I absolutely loved this. I can't wait till episode two :D
I really liked this game, and will look into getting the other instalments for sure. https://youtu.be/yh2Iz6OO-jY
Thank you so much for making this game!! It made my entire day. Such a cute story with some pretty awesome characters!
I played it and made a video for Youtube, I hope you don't mind. There will be 4 parts in total!!
Thank you again, Arrogant Pixel! I love the game so much... also thank you for making it in an HTML format so I can play it :)
The Tale of Doris and the Dragon - Episode 1
The Tale of Doris and the Dragon is now available on Steam!
If you liked the game and want to be able to experience the rest of the story please support the official release
26/04/15 - [UPDATE] v0.3 - Many people have been reporting a suspected memory leak when playing the game and reaching the belly. This issue has now been FIXED YAAAAY!!!! So we can all rest easy that there will be NO crackling sound.. hopefully ^^.
13/04/15 - [UPDATE] v0.2 - Added loading bar to the splash screen & social icons.
09/04/15 - [UPDATE] v0.1 - Stopped dialogue from auto skipping and fixed clicking through last line of dialogue also selecting an answer. Game crash in Daemon's stomach when calling Norb now fixed.
07/04/15 - BETA Released.
FREE digital download for the first title in a set of three. The tale of Doris and the Dragon is an episodic, point-and-click adventure game series featuring an elderly lady named Doris who finds herself in Purgatory after passing away on earth.
The tale of Doris and the Dragon can be described as a thoughtful and fantastical vision of life after death. On her journey, Doris meets many weird and wonderful characters that help or try to hinder her progress. Out of this, an unlikely friendship emerges.
The atmospheric and haunting soundtrack, composed and produced by AssadB, accompanies the minimalist pixel art work.
Arrogant Pixel are proud to call themselves an independent art studio. All content apart from the music was largely produced by one person
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WEBSITE : www.dorisandthedragon.com