
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Help! I really want to play this game, but after the intro cinematic thingy it cuts to a white screen. The sounds are still there, and I can "walk" around, all while the screen is changing colors. If you know how to fix this, please reply. From what I've seen though, cool game :)

Amazing puzzle game, man!
Some of the levels are very tricky.
I am glad Einstein helped me to complete your game.
I made a let's play btw:

Good luck with your projects!

Just finished my video if you guys wanna check it out. Cool game!

Very cool concept and overall great game. I would suggest lowering the mouse sensitivity or at least adding an option to change it.

really nice!


The Torch

Version: 1.0.0over 9 years ago

Use your magical torch to extract and repel lights from one statue to the other.
Make your way to the end, and bring back the light to the world.

Statues that are in the dark cannot be interacted with, so plan wisely! ESC quits the game.

Written in a custom C++ engine.

Programmers: Richard Nazarian, Michelle Tang, Willem-Jan Eeftingh

Artists: Hang Nguyen, Kassym Kushkimbayev, Ulvis Bariss, Jonathan van Immerzeel, Juri Albreht

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