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The Walk

Version: 1.0.0about 8 years ago

Short and silly "Walking Simulator" game. Created into the context of a personal challange: make 12 games in 12 months along 2017, of 12 different generes. The complet list can be read here, all in Spanish except the list itself. The purpose of this #12Months12Games challange is forced me to make games in a huge scope of generes and learn what kind of games I want to make, what I hate and what I can do even if I don't like playing or making them.

With this first game I learned a thing: I hate make games like this. I like play this kind of game, but make a walking simulator is to boring to me. The construction of the scenary are funny, satisfactory or both. But the feel of the hole project was... boring. I want to finish it as fast as possible and begin the next project: an interactive novel (probably make with Twine), in two languages, as training of my writing abilities and my English (a little bad, as you can read).

Controls: WASD for movement and mouse for camera control.

Finnally, the assets that I use in this game are the following:


  • "Reunited" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0.

  • All other FX extrated from the Free Sonnis Catalogue.

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