Comments (9)
Nice beat'mup game! Though it gets boring as time progresses cause there are only 3 enemies
I don't like how the werewolf charges forward as combo finisher cause I usually get hit in this move. I prefer the wolf to stay still while performing alternate and stronger attack as finisher
Simple, fun, addictive game! I included it in part 38 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/uz04TuBA8EA

Fun and right on theme. Reminds me of a lot of old brawler games like Golden Axe n such. Nicely done pixel art and the controls feel great. Good work!
If you'd like to check out my entry, it's here
What a fun game! I enjoyed the simplicity of using only one button for action and felt great slicing everyone in my path MUAHAHA
My 2 cents: You might want to give that "dash on attack" feature more love after the voting period. It feels good and powerful to dash, but as it is it can be used as an exploit, ruining the cool experience.
Come see our game too! I hope you have as much fun with ours as I did with yours :)
Really fun game!. We enjoy it a lot!. Good music and sound fx.
What do you think about our? http://goo.gl/Do2lPh
The Wolf Within
Gamepad controls available, just connect and play!
Make sure to login in with your Gamejolt Username and Game Token for the abitlity to have your High Scores and Achievements counted on GameJolt!
One morning, about a month ago, you awoke to find some awfully large bite marks on your neck. Assuming it was just the work of one of the large Turantulatums, you shrugged it off.
Now the Wolf Within Has Awoken, but at a terribly unlucky time! Today, right as you were finishing your shift guarding the King's castle, you transformed before the eyes of the royal Guards and Wizards. Now your friends and coworkers gaze upon you with hatred and fear. "He's A Werewolf!!!", they shout. Could this be a fight to the death?!