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FCCD intro plays]

Announcer: Oi kids, it's the new SpongeBob cereal! (Transcription may be invalid) [shakes the SpongeBob cereal box]

SpongeBob: Oh boy! My new cereal!

Squidward: SpongeBob, what's going on around here? I got cereal all in my yard and it's your fault!

Patrick: Did somebody say pizza? [eats the cereal]

Announcer: SpongeBob cereal is filled with minerals and nutrients so you can eat it.

Mr. Krabs: Hook me up with that cereal. [eats the cereal]

[SpongeBob sniffs cheese powder.]

Mr. Krabs: Have a bowl, Mr. Squidward!

[He pushes the bowl towards Squidward as the bowl falls down from the countertop and as well as spilling the cereal in the process]

Squidward: Hey, this cereal looks just like SpongeBob and Patrick!

Announcer: Well, that's right, SpongeBob cereal looks just like SpongeBob and Patrick.

Patrick: All this stuff is really good. [eats the cereal]

[SpongeBob, Squidward, SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs fight over the cereal.]

Plankton: I'm just gonna- [a bunch of cereal falls on him] Ouch.

Mr. Krabs: Ya-hoohoo!

Patrick: My turn, my turn!

SpongeBob: It's part of a balanced breakfast!

Patrick: Oh yeah give me some more of that delicious yummy cereal! [eats the whole box]

[FCCD outro appears]

[the credits appear as Bobby Crawford is shown sweeping the floor, cleaning up the cereal that is spilled all over the floor]

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Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Strong Language
Mature Humor
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