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The Swarm

Version: 1.0.0almost 3 years ago
- Windows Version: download TheSwarm_Windows, extract the folder and execute TheSwarm.exe. It might trigger a firewall notice due to the internet connection with the highscores service. - Linux: download TheSwarm_Linux, extract the folder and execute the_swarm_ubuntu.x86_64 (give execute permissions if needed)

The Swarm is an endless top down shooter where you have to survive against swarms of intelligent flies.

Try to reach the top of the online highscores by surviving as long as you can. Upgrade your arsenal in the shop between waves. Each round will raise the challenge.


  • Pistol: average speed, low damage and infinite ammo.

  • Assault Rifle: fast rate of fire and large magazine. Useful when dealing with a dense swarm.

  • Sniper rifle: slow but very powerful. The bullets will pierce through any amount of enemies.

  • Missile launcher: high splash damage. It can destroy a whole swarm if aimed correctly, but don't shoot too close!

  • Flamethrower: flames will spread between flies. But be careful, as "The only thing worse than a swarm of flies is a swarm of flaming flies."


Move - Arrow Keys
Aim - Mouse

Shoot - Left Mouse Button
Reload - R Key
Select Weapon - 1 to 4 Keys
Next Weapon - Mouse Wheel

This project was originally created as a college project to showcase a flocking AI and later extended and polished. Any kind of feedback is welcome!

- Created with Unity
- All coding by Ramil

- All assets were obtained from Unity Asset Store by the following creators

  • Models by Aligned Games, Dynamic Art

  • Effects by Hovl Studio, Jean Moreno, MHLab, Sherbb

  • UI Bars by Codiscite Team

- The character model and animations were obtained from Mixamo

- The highscore service is provided by

- All sounds were obtained from, by creators: ljudman, timmy_h123, ShawnyBoy, shastrocks, AderuMoro, GFL7, SuperPhat, zivs, MATRIXXX_, miksmusic, slamaxu, Jarusca and unfa.

- Ambience music from by Patrick Lieberkind

#shooter #topdownshooter #arcade #leaderboards

Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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