
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Can't wait to play! I really hope Mark will play this :P
The current soundtrack is really charming, and from the previous posts, this is a lot like The Boss, the game made for Sean. Really looking forward to seeing what becomes of this game!


*This looks awesome :)

when will this game be available? i really would love to play it.

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Space is so Cool (Instrumental)

Welcome to the Wish: Starring Markiplier!
This is a fan game that tells the story of Mark as he travels from the real world to the supernatural, battles monsters from the darkness, makes pizza(?), meets a variety of characters, and maybe even saves the world!

This game is still in development, so follow the game to receive updates on our progress.


  • Hours of fun gameplay!

  • A very interactable environment! (you'll be looking at every trashcan around!)

  • Custom art for all characters, battle backgrounds, and more!

  • Youtube personalities: Jack, Danny, Wade, Tyler and Ethan!

  • Many of Mark's characters come to life, like Warfstache and Tiny Box Tim!

  • Tons of Easter Eggs and references

Support the Game


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Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Happy New Year!

We're planning on being more open this year. We know we hecked up real bad a while ago, and we're going to change that this year.

We hope your 2019 is going well, we'll be in contact soon! :>

NPC Teasers

Trailer 2 and More!

Small Update!

I'm not dead! The game's still being made!