
Welcome to the game. You played for the first time to get this trophy.

Trying new ratios
Play a game with 4:3 Fullscreen enabled(only applies to art origins-shorts)

Artkham Origins
You completed Purple:Art Origins

Purphog Day
You completed Purple:Art Inception

Complete Purple:Age of History

The Dixos and the Details
Complete Purple:Jasper’s List for the first time

Funky Renaissance Town
Complete the extra levels in Purple Jasper’s List

Circular Beginnings
You completed The adventures of purple(original)

Lawnmower Raccoon
You completed Purple:Purpleville Rescue

Seaxty Minutes
You completed Purple:Isolated Island

Close Darkcounters of the Purple kind
You completed Purple:Hollow Quest

Terms of Darkzdevilment
You completed Purple:Dark Arts

Full Metal Scrap Jacket
You completed the adventures of purple:Heroes

You completed Purple:Mcduelin Island

The triciamaker
You completed Purple:Epic Toadic

Grand theft automatic engine
You completed Purple CD

You completed purple extras

You completed purple shorts

To explore or not to explore
Complete Purple:Supplemental Stories

Tricia Pudding Special
You completed Purple:Tricia’s adventure

The curious case of the walking dead
You completed Purple Returns Season 1

You completed Purple Returns:Arcade

You completed Purple Returns:City

Hone my road 2
You completed Purple Returns Season 2

Back to the futurism
You completed Purple Returns Season 3

The fourth tense
You completed Purple Returns Season 4

Roll double 5s
You completed Purple Returns Season 5

Purp and Darky
You completed Purple Returns Season 6

You completed Purple Returns Season 7

King of the Darkz
You completed Purple Returns Season 8

Robot Darkken
You completed Purple Returns Season 9

Ten years of recession
You completed Purple Returns Season 10

Lights, Camera, Action
You completed the adventures of purple movies

Back to the DRAWING board
Read through the adventures of purple comic

The Dark Purpgan experience
You completed the adventures of purple podcast

You completed Purple:Game of tommorow + Expansion

Look who’s Dashing Now
Complete all levels in less than 20 minutes total in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless darkz

Devil Dinner with the Snakeigian Candidate
Complete all battle levels with a good strategy(must have completed all battle levels in less than 15 seconds)

Ooh, Shiny
Get your first 50 coins in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz

Cash Cow
Collect 500 coins total in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless darkz

Gem analyst
Get 4 gems in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless darkz

Complete a round of arcade mode in “Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz” and get in the top 3

Boss Devastator
You defeated a boss in arcade mode or events mode in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz. Great job.

Can’t outrun the beginning
Complete the tutorial in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz in 2 minutes or less

Shopping Spree
In Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz, buy something in the shop

Blazer’s Prize is Yours
Complete all Blazer games in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz. How many crystal shards and prizes did you hoard?

A Devilconvienent Darkz
You completed every Devil Prime game in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz

Event Kickstarter
In Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz, you completed an event

Your Darkz Face is going to deli
Darkz has moved out of the HQ and cut ties with purple. Not only that, but Devil Prime is now Purple’s nemesis. You got the bad ending in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz

The Divorce Bros
Purple has broken up with Tricia. Devil Prime and his cahoots are still out there too. You got the sad ending in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz

Home Raccoonies
Purple sacrificed his own life to take out the darkness. He did what he had to do, but could’ve been better, as Devil Prime is still alive, but it will take a minute before he can return. You got the good ending in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz

Purpmurai Jack
Devil Prime, god of the darkness, has finally been killed thanks to your efforts, along with his accomplices. All three of you, Purple, Tricia, and Darkz, all get a happy ending after all. You completed Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz and got the true ending. You’re a true legend.

Robot Devilkin
You completed all of the mirror levels in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz. Now you know what Devil Prime and his troops were up to behind the scenes

Fear No More Purple
You conquered your future. You completed May Cause Purple’s Mirage

Forgetting Sarpurp Darkshall
You conquered the painter of darkness. You completed Purple Playdate:Murder, He Painted

Quantum Purp
You took down the infestation. Complete the adventures of purple playdate:Tears of a raccoon

Purps Bond 007
Purple’s all tuckered out now! Complete Purple:One Darkz flew over the purple’s nest

And so the war begins
Complete Purple:To Reality with love part 1

And so the war comes to an end
Purple’s back in the agent game! Complete Purple:To Reality with love part 2

Purpvengers Endgame
Complete Fear No Purple for the first time

The Bird Leg Hatches and Sings
Complete the Titan levels and bird levels in Fear No Purple for the first time

Doctor Darkoo
Complete dimension mode in Fear No Purple

Blast from the past
Complete all of the origin levels in Fear No Purple

Purple of the Carribean
Complete The Old Purple and The Sea

Too Hot(or deadly) to handle
Complete Astrid’s quest in The Old Purple and The Sea

Departed Tales
Complete all of the origin stories in The Old Purple and The Sea

The Circle of Life(And puzzles)
Complete all of the extra levels in The Old Purple and The Sea

On a crazy train
Complete Purploris

Highway to Hell
Complete the Luminat’s mayhem levels in Purploris

A True Story
Complete the origin stories in Purploris

Bark at the moon
Complete all of the extra modes in Purploris

Consider your prize earned
Purchase all shop items in Purploris, including all of the orbs

A present for meself
You completed all special features

Extra Spicy
You completed all games in white hot mode. Fantastic.

Full in fullscreen
Complete the classic games in fullscreen(to get the individual trophies for each game, complete them in widescreen)

One to be grey
In purple returns season 1, you completed all extra game modes.

In the Nick of time
Complete all levels in less than 15 minutes in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz

24 Karat McRich
Collect 1,3000 coins or more total in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz

The worlds richest raccoon
Collect a total of 2,500 coins or more in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz

Jewel Family
Collect all of the gems in both regular mode and white hot mode in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless darkz.

Rich Lynch
You completely cleared an event in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz. This means you finished it at least 3 times(white hot variant included), got all prizes in the ticket exchange in the event, and got a good time score in the event. That’s actually insanely impressive even if you were playing after events were introduced.

Character Collector
In Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless darkz, unlock and play as every character

Not dead yet
Explore all maps in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz(Including all arcade and event exclusive maps)

Ultra Boss Striker
In Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz, defeat all of the event and arcade bosses. Great job.

Pawn Shop Spender
Buy everything in the shop, including maxing all eligible items out with coins, and including buying all Arcade and Event DLC

5 trophies at Purple’s
You got all 5 endings in Purpternal Tricshine of the spotless Darkz(Bad ending, sad ending, good ending, true ending, and mirror levels). Devil Prime gave Purple four options on what he can do next, and it seems you took all four as well as saw what he was planning himself. Excellent(This trophy will require multiple playthroughs).

A true vigilante
You completed every game in the entire franchise. Impressive.

The hidden one
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Hey, is there a platinum?
You just completed every game to 100 percent. All trophies must be collected before getting this one. Thank you so much for playing.