
Comments (121)

What do you think?

i can call Mettaton Neo Fight a relaxing experience, its nothing hard, i recomende you playing this fangame if you love relaxing expiriences,

the only thing that will possibly be normal here is sudden changes

all other battles are very cringe

I advise you to cancel "angry sans" while you haven't done it yet


so uh i got a big issue with the game i was training on distrust angella phase 1 classic mode and after i died in final attack my whole pc crashed and now the save data of my game are dead i know that it's the save cause after removing the save folder the game work again and this bug is for every version of the game. So yeah well i guess i just need to restart every fight from 0 rip my save (bruuh that mean i'm gonna need to beat sudden change p2 on normal again)
anyway idk if it can help to know why this bug happened so here my save

How. Just how. I thought i was a decent UT player, but i have been absolutely crushed by MTT neo. How do yall have so much coordination to dodge for so long. AAAAAAAAAAAAA

you should have added keyboard controls for the mouse in game because i literally can't move the mouse at all and can't select the options, even though i have no joystick whatsoever connected...


Sil's Collection of Things

Version: 1.9.1127 days ago

WARNING: Contains extreme difficulty as well as edgy humour. This isn't for the faint of heart.


Sil's Collection of Things is a collection of 15 fangames that I had created over the course of a year. It features some of my best, or worst, works that I have ever created. Originally, this was a dumping ground for my emotional outbursts, so that will explain some of the material you see in this game.


This game contains my takes of each of the following:

  1. Distrust Angela (original fangame, 4 phases)

  2. Sudden Changes Sans (my take, 2 phases)

  3. Angry Sans (original fangame, 2 phases)

  4. Genocide Toriel (my take)

  5. Mettaton NEO (my take)

  6. Undyne The True Undying (my take)

  7. Dustbelief Papyrus (my take, phase 1 only)

  8. Bad Time Trio (my take)

  9. Duztrust (my take, 4 phases)

Additionally, as you complete each game, you will unlock the extra bonus games.

  1. Undertale Last Breath (my take, 3 phases)

  2. Bobert (original fangame)

  3. Genocide Muffet (my take)

  4. Big Chungus (original fangame)

  5. Genocide Asriel (my take)

Beat all of them on Normal Mode, and you fight the final boss...


The game comes packed with loads of options to enhance the gameplay experience:

  • Easy Mode, which increases your INV (in some cases) and reduces the damage you take.

  • Debug Mode, which makes you invincible to damage. You're able to control the frame rate by holding R-SHIFT and pressing Left/Right, and you can change the turn number by hold R-CTRL and pressing Left/Right.

  • RNG SUX, which is a special feature I've added for those who hate RNG. Look, I hate it too, but my goal with this game was to be as accessible as possible.

  • No Hit Bonus, which gives temporarily invincibility after an attack has been no-hitted. This will invalidate your challenge run, so be cautious.

  • Display Keys, which shows an internal key display. If you're playing on controller, controller buttons will appear instead. You can customise the appearance by changing the sliders below the checkboxes.

  • Family Friendly, which alters dialogue and certain character appearances to look more appropriate for stricter parents.

  • No Healing, which removes all of the auto-heals and makes it so you cannot use your items.

  • 1 Hit Mode, which puts you on 1 HP with no exceptions.

  • Disable Effects, which turns off the filtering. I suggest turning this on if you experience large amounts of lag.

  • Show FPS, which shows your current FPS. (duh!)

  • No Dialogue, which skips all of the dialogue (except certain cutscenes).

  • Practice Mode, which allows you to practice attacks with no compromises.

  • Auto Parry, which only works with pink attacks. Hold UP instead of tapping it again.

  • Music and sound sliders, mix it as you wish!

  • A damage slider. By default, it is set to 1, but you can set it to 25... if you're crazy.

On the main menu, you can select from 3 different save files. There are four stars listed on each one:

  1. The first star is for beating every game on Easy Mode.

  2. The second star is earned for beating every game on Normal Mode.

  3. The third star is for beating the final boss.

  4. The fourth and final star is for earning the first 24 achievements.

Thanks for reading to the bottom of this description. I know it's a lot of information, but it's a BIG game. Remember to have fun, and don't steal Sans' Cheetos... he will break you for it.

#undertale #fangame #survival

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

I'm fairly certain that Distrust Angela isn't humanly possible to no-hit

At least the first three phases, the fourth one is doable


For the first time ever, someone actually managed to do a NO HIT on one of the games!


Version 1.4:
Dustbelief Papyrus

Version 1.5:
Still won't spoil the two fights, sorry

Full V1.3 Changelog

Only 8 days after the poll ends, V1.3 is now out

Version 1.3 is pretty much done now except I'm getting it tested for bugs before I give it out

Sorry for the delay but if you're impatient then you need to take a Freddo


Version 1.3:
Undyne The True Undying
Genocide Toriel
Mettaton NEO

Version 1.4:
Disbelief Papyrus

Version 1.5:
The last two fights which I will not spoil yet

Pick the next fight

  33 votes Voting finished

V1.2.1 bugfix

Basically fixes some technicalities that made some attacks impossible and earned achievements when they shouldn't have done