Comments (4)
Ok so, I just try a first run of the game and I can already tell that I'm surprised by the good quality of the cinematics ! The dialogs are goods, the story look really interesting with that tomb behind the house, and that mysterious stone. But there is a really big problem with the game right now.
The difficulty.
God those fucking mushrooms were annoyings ! We don't deal too much damages to them (9-11) When they can deal us 16-25 of damages. Plus, they can Heals themselfs (+11-25 Wich can just cover ours attacks). Of course we can Heal ourselfs with the berrys that we got at the start of the Game, but they not enough of them to kill more than 3 Mushrooms. The fact that there is no Checkpoint at the start of the forest can also trigger, since we're not ready to die at the start of the game, it's easy to only save once, dying and restart from the first save.
I couldn't finish the prologue sadly, and it's really sad cause the game looks really good ! But the Mushrooms step in the forest is clearly too difficult. A good change would be that Sedom fight with us since he's in our team just before the entrance of the forest. Or maybe just nerf the Mushrooms.
In any case, you did a really good job on that game and I look forward to the next besidese that little problem ! Keep up the good work !
The Legend of the Soul Stones Demo
Phanton a normal Spirknit and his friends find themselves in a grand adventure across the Oklana region after finding a weird stone giving Phanton strange powers. Join Phanton and his friends Kinesis the Psykid, Melanie the Musibun, and Keldon the Damplin on this big journey taking down Nightmare once and for all. #action #rpg #puzzle #rpgmakermz #rpgmaker #zelda #pokemon #story