Comments (19)
You gonna make it for android. ;)
hi, thx for the game. greetings from germany
As requested! I have the video link from the stream of this game. Had alot of fun doing it!
Greetings from the United Kingdom, if you need someone to test out a demo, I'll gladly demo it as a stream on my Twitch Channel. I stream Horror Games when I'm not at work.
Nice stolen models :)
FNAF The Android Ones
Is the year 2028 and the tegnology is in the sky and now a company called afton robotics has repaired and modificated the so old animatronics of Freddy Fazbears Pizza of 1987 with new tecnology and put them a artificial inteligency.
you are nightguard and you nedd to do a lot of aleatory jobs but remember if you die thats is not our fault ok.