Comments (19)
Can I have .apk ver?
scott is a genius
fantastic remaster of the og game and easily the best way to play it nowadays I just kinda wish u did the same for rage quit as that game is very inaccessible for a lot of people including me I get it if u don't wanna do anything like this again if thats fine but in the off chance you're up for it please remaster rage quit so we'll be living in the perfect universe lmao
in the windows version a file is missing :(

i type rage in tinpb modified
There Is No Pause Button Original
There Is No Pause Button
There Is No Pause Button | Android
This game was created and is owned by Scott Cawthon I've just changed it up so it looks exactly like "There Is No Pause Button"
All rights reserved to Scott Cawthon
Update 1.2.0:
Fixed that you cant jump with space
Added easter egg: RAGE in the selection
Added 20 level resume due to crashes (You need to reach it first)
Update 1.2.1:
Added Switch character in the menu after finding out the Ragequit easter egg
Made the game remember your last difficulty/character/HD settings
Update 1.3.0:
Fixed Bugged Spikes
Fixed Lives Number bug
Hopefully fixed the crashes (Report in comments if you found any so I can add back the Level 20 button if it happens)
Update 1.5.1:
Removed LVL 20 Button
Now once you launch and set game you will be welcomed with 2 new buttons
F3 to change Volume
Ctrl + R to reset everything
Whenever you launch the game after setting the volume it will automatically jump to stage seleciton
The game shall not crash anymore
Update 2.0.0:
Changed INI File
While using RageDude the Dragons become red and fire faster fireballs so becareful about timing ;)
At end screen click to return to selection
Changed Level 20 due to unfair spikes (original too)
Fixed bug where you go only 1 life at lvl 20
Fixed Bug with changing character
Changed fireballs from dragon to red (When RageDude is active)
Removed high speed from the fireballs fired by the dragon in RageDude mode
Changed Launch Screen (Original too)
Changed Numbers for Volume (Original too)
Changed Ready buttons (Original too)
Ragedude now emits red particles on death
Changed How To Play Screen (Original too)
Added better text (Original too)