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The Way to Vasilgrad

Version: 0.0.1over 2 years ago
This game is a prototype

The Way to Vasilgrad /Major Update/

Version: 1.0.1over 2 years ago
I added a lot of things such as more zombies, a trap and 2 gadgets!

Самая главная задача в этой игре - продержаться как можно дольше. Брось вызов бесчисленным толпам зомби! Выживи!

The most important goal in this game is to survive as long as possible. Drop the challenge to endless hordes of zombies! SURVIVE! #survival

Mild Cartoon Violence

I've made a test Bluetooth Multiplayer for The Way to Vasilgrad, but can't upload it, because it says I have not enough storage room. Dude! I have over 2.5GB memory space, why the hell don't you download this??? Please, tell me how to fix this...

Major Update here!

3 new types of zombies:

Fast - Faster than normal

Strong - Soaks a lot of health

Thunderbolt - A lot faster than normal

Spit trap: Damages player when stepped

2 gadgets

Medkit - Restores 50 health over time

Rapid Fire - 50 shots

So I want to introduce you my very first ever game made not in Scratch. It's all clear Pocket Code.