
Comments (1)

What do you think?

looks good

It is my very first game that I will publicate

Game based On Montageu's Mount And Amnesia Similar Climat but still

In RPG Maker This Game Is Basically A Horror Thriller When you were left
on island And try find way to Escape But also avoid the monsters and survive, at same time you will be have to finish some Puzzles to get progress finding some items etc

I Will Be Trying To Avoid old schemat and try to make it Fresh

Intense Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Game Reload !!!

First Release !

First Release is ready for tests

Hope yous all will enjoy it :)
and report any weird bugs and behaviour of game

General Rebuild

We Are Making General Rebuild of game

Which means that we will be adding Achievements and

Generally Changes Location of Game and some other stuff