
Comments (120)

What do you think?

I hope you know that after I played this, I went outside and hugged the ground...

Really want a downloadable version, none of my browsers are working :(

Amazing. Too bad the humans were such jerks...

Great game!!!! 11/10

i Love the music in this game it brings a innocent tone to it. Wonderful game

Damn it humans stop taking advantage of earth.


They Mean Well - Earth Day Edition

Version: 0.4.0almost 8 years ago
An exclusive preview for the upcoming game They Mean Well.

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Song of the trees

EARTH DAY 2017 UPDATE - an Exclusive Preview


We're back with a sample of the upcoming game They Mean Well. This version will give you limited access to the game, and will provide the taste of what's to come in the following months.

They Mean Well will be available for mobile devices on the AppStore and Google Play in June 2017.


Use right and left arrow keys to rotate the shield clockwise or counterclockwise.
Use Z and X to activate the Consumables.

Gameplay changes and new features available

  • Balance is still the key

The relationship of nature and technology is still the main theme of the game, but it's presented in a simpler, more direct way. Their influences are represented by incoming comets, whose effects you need to balance out.
"Star Metal", aka the blue comet, boost your technology and reduces the size of your shield, while "BioMass", or the green comet, takes care of nature and makes your shield larger. There is also the red "Armageddon" comet, which ends the game.

  • Diversified gameplay

We've added new Power Ups and Consumables which you can collect throughout the game. These new features help you fight off or collect comets in different ways.

  • New game modes

In this version you can try out the Endless and the Armageddon mode, which are the game's competitive modes.

  • ...and many more

The full version will bring a lot more features including Story mode, Mars, Tasks, Achievements, Stats, Leaderboards, all of which will be accompanied by new visual features and an extended soundtrack.

They Mean Well 2015

This is our entry for the #permadeathjam.

If you're having problems playing the game in Chrome, use this link

They mean well is a game of balance. You are in control of the Earth's shield that protects the humanity from all kinds of comets flying around space.

Humanity progresses through levels as their technology advances, and each level grants possibilites for a larger population. If the population exceeds that limit, the humans start hurting the planet from within by over-exploiting its resources. However, if the population is too low for that level, the humanity can't advance until the population is in the sweet spot indicated by the bar.

Health of the earth is represented by its shield, so overpopulation will reduce it, while sparse population will regenerate it.

Some comets will cause wars, some will cause diseases, and some will just hit stuff. There is also a special golden comet that brings inspiration to the humanity and grants a free advancement of level. This comet is very rare.

Follow humanity through the ages from the roots of agriculture to space ships and extraterrestrial colonization. There are 300 levels in total, you must reach the last one to win.

If the humanity dies, you lose. If the humanity overexploits the planet, you lose. You only have one chance. Good luck.

Mild Fantasy Violence

Incoming upgrade!

We add WebGL build and some upgrades. We hope you will enjoy it.

Incoming upgrade!