Comments (16)
I did a video on this game and i thought it was a decent short horror experience. Though I do need to give you a bit of things to do to make this better.
1. The game was quiet the whole time. try adding ambience music or some ambience noise like wind, leaves rustling, and crickets.
2. Show control tips at the beginning of the game so people know what to press to pull out the Gun, Canister, and Flashlight. It took me til the end of my video to find out that T is for Flashlight and there was nothing saying like "Press T to pull out Flashlight" or "Press G to pull out Gun".
My honest review of the game:
The game sure is creepy, but it lacks extra detail around. Something like a ton of ruble and a dirt road would add so much more to the atmosphere. The only thing with the game is that I had no idea where to go. I reached the end of all the houses and nothing happened. I couldn't finish cause I had no idea where to go. Maybe just add a bit more light and suttle clues on where to go. Last thing I found out after a while none of the walls have collison. I was walking to the upstairs part of the house when I feel through the floor. I checked the walls and no collison. These are my personal opinions about the game.
Sorry the game is too laggy to be able to play.
Did you purposely make the name a short description of the game?
nice creepy https://youtu.be/33vKxBNKPn4
Today is day 14 for 64 bit
Today is day 14 for 32 bit
You were driving your car but didn't know where you were going and didn't pay attention to the fact that you almost ran out of fuel and stalled near an abandoned village. Your task is to find a fuel canister, you have a diary in which you write down tasks. Then you will be able to notice some creature, and in the end you will become its prey. You can see all the keys in the "Control" tab, and in the "Settings" tab you can configure the game. So, the game has a save. You have a flashlight right from the start, don't worry, you don't need batteries. #horror #shooter #action #other