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Time Enough At Last
What would you do without clocks? You wouldn't know when to go to work. You wouldn't know when your favourite soap is on. You'd forget to pick your kids from school. You'd burn every food you'd try to make. In short: the hectic world of the third millenium would completely cease to function if it weren't for clocks.
But how many of us actually pay attention to what the clocks actually show, what the different times of day really look like on the display of the clock? Maybe many of us actually do! Don't you think that when the clock strikes 11:11, the figure on your digital clock's display is actually kind of beautiful? Do you point it out to your friends? If you do, you are already well on your way to becoming a Timer. That is, a fan of Time Figures!
In this game you can start your Time Figure hobby even if you yourself don't own a single digital clock. The game is very simple: just keep your eye on the in-game digital clock, and when you see a beautiful time on it's display, you just click the clock! If the time you saw is an Official Time Figure (as decided by the Board of Timers), it will be registered into the in-game application.
LEFT MOUSE BUTTON WITH NO ITEM IN HAND: try to use the item that you're pointing at
LEFT MOUSE BUTTON WITH YES ITEM IN HAND: try to use the item in your hand with the item you're pointing at
RIGHT MOUSE: drop item in hand, if any
WASD or ARROWS: turn item in hand, if any
ESC: quit (note, the game just quits without any promts so be waaaaaaary)
This game has a Trophy so naturally you would want to log in to get it. I could not get any kind of automatic login to work (I just could not!), so if you wish the game to log you in, you must edit the gjapi-credentials.txt file inside the game's folder and enter your credentials there. If the login has succeeded, you can see the GameJolt logo appear in the in-game tablet computer.
The music in the game is not by me (you can see the artists on the in-game cd). The songs are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 license.
The turd animation on channel 9 made by Anniina.
Anyway, enjoy your Timing! If you find bugs, want to chat about your favourite Time Figures or need help figuring out the different Times, please feel free to comment and I'll try to answer promptly!