
Comments (44)

What do you think?

Cool!... but, and the download button?

It's a silly story that makes a lot of sense if you follow the youtuber Markiplier. It does exactly what it intends to.

Mark just uploaded a video playing this!


Hey, Adam! I loved the game! It was adorable and I really enjoyed it. I'm a huge Markiplier fan so this was very enjoyable for me personally. You did a great job on this and I love that you included Mark's audio for when he found Tiny Box Tim. I also loved the custom music. Great job, bro!

I made a Let's Play on my YouTube channel so more people will be able to find this game. Take a look when you get a moment, please and thanks. : )

i watched Mark play this at one point and I was so excited to play it but apparently i can't. Since it's a rar file I had to download a whole program but once i finally got it i was so excited to play it. Until it told me that the file RGSS102E.dll wasn't found. So apparently I can't play it... I don't know why it done this. Maybe you could explain if there is something wrong on my end. I was really excited and would hate to not be able to play. Anyways I'm sorry for the lengthy comment but I wanted to make sure the situation was clear.


Tiny Box Tim: Origins -A Markiplier Fan Game-

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

This is the first game I've ever made, and I'm really proud of it. I really hope Markiplier gets the chance to play it! All the music is custom made (by me) and can be found here:

It's horror themed (very mild horror) and takes place in the house from "A Late Night Drink" (the Amnesia custom story that Mark first found Tiny Box Tim). I remade the house in RPG Maker as best I could, and also extended the house a bit (quite a lot, actually). There's a lot of little interactable things (The piano is personally my favorite). Your goal is simple. Get to the basement of the house, where adventure awaits. You will probably need the RPG Maker XP RTP. You can get it here:

***If you want, please check out my let's play channel!:


Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
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