Comments (58)
Hey don't quit the game bro (((
i cant wait for it to come out
Can I be Beta Tester??????!??!?!
release date?
This is very cool. i want to play this so bad!
On Hold.
A remake of the The Joy of Creation but as a Multiplayer release. There will also be a release for singleplayer for those who would want that. Gameplay will consist of the The Joy of Creation: Reborn levels alongside some custom ones dedicated to multiplayer!
Different objectives are also going to be a feature to chose from when hosting a game.
- Gamemodes
- Random Spawn Locations for AI + Objectives
- More Collectables
- Bonnie, Chica AI
- Maps
- First Person Animations (It broke again so I gotta fix it)
- Custom Animatronic Textures
- Porting of further models
- Bug Fixing
+ More that I may be forgetting
Already Finished:
- Freddy + Foxy AI
- Lobby System
- All Animatronic Animations
- Jumpscare System
- Settings Menu + Pause Menu
- Collection System
- Main Menu
- Player Code
Check out the original game by @Nikson_Official
Music reused from TJOC. Credit goes to @Nikson_Official and Nathan Hanover.
Models reused from TJOC, originally made by EverythingAnimations.
Animations made by LuciferSam01, reused from TJOC:R, permission given by @Nikson_Official