
Comments (58)

What do you think?

Hey don't quit the game bro (((

i cant wait for it to come out

Can I be Beta Tester??????!??!?!

release date?

This is very cool. i want to play this so bad!

On Hold.

A remake of the The Joy of Creation but as a Multiplayer release. There will also be a release for singleplayer for those who would want that. Gameplay will consist of the The Joy of Creation: Reborn levels alongside some custom ones dedicated to multiplayer!

Different objectives are also going to be a feature to chose from when hosting a game.


			- Gamemodes
- Random Spawn Locations for AI + Objectives
- More Collectables
- Bonnie, Chica AI
- Maps
- First Person Animations (It broke again so I gotta fix it)
- Custom Animatronic Textures
- Porting of further models
- Bug Fixing

+ More that I may be forgetting

Already Finished:

			- Freddy + Foxy AI
- Lobby System
- All Animatronic Animations
- Jumpscare System
- Settings Menu + Pause Menu
- Collection System
- Main Menu
- Player Code

Check out the original game by @Nikson_Official
Music reused from TJOC. Credit goes to @Nikson_Official and Nathan Hanover.
Models reused from TJOC, originally made by EverythingAnimations.
Animations made by LuciferSam01, reused from TJOC:R, permission given by @Nikson_Official


#multiplayer #tjoc #thejoyofcreation #fnaf #horror #fangame

Realistic Violence


If you have been wondering where I have been. Here is a update on something I am working on.

See you on the Flipside!

The UE5 TJoC release I mentioned is now up!

The project is temporarily postponed.

I will be working on a another TJoC related release in the meantime, the postpone is due to wanting to try out UE5 and see if it is worth upgrading to. I will announce when I am back working on Multiplayer.


Bug Fixing is Fun

Been working on fixing some bugs. Started designing the levels as well and putting together some more props to decorate the level with. Stay tuned for more info!

Been considering this. Most likely will drop a singleplayer demo before we release multiplayer. As a preview of the objectives and maps. Game is going smoothly by the way. Got no image this time but have been bug fixing.