Comments (17)
How do I git it
still waitinggg
Hay para Android??!! Lo estoy buscando ahora que salio
I'm still waiting T T
Whats the password for it ona itch.io ?
TLC is a dating simulator wherein you, the player, try your hand at courting the barbaric butcher Bob Velseb. Can you win the heart of the creepy cannibal who's at large and in charge, or will you end up being the main course? Only time will tell!
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Rae West, Ivo Atlas, Benjamin Boon, Pauline Reinacher, Tass
WRITING: Ivo Atlas, Rae West, Bubbles, PumpkinPurrfect, Dmanix, ImmortalCoelacanth, Henry Rouslin
PROOFREADING/EDITING: Ivo Atlas, Rae West, PumpkinPurrfect, Dmanix, Salphy, ImmortalCoelacanth, Henry Rouslin, Fergiestraw, Smolspooklover Eva
SPRITES: Moff, Sarky, May Bee, Dannydoods, El015a, Dirty Jack, Kristina Chouri, Graham W., Vernicus E., Dmanix
CG ART: Kristina Chouri, CandiGutz, Sarky, SofÃa Sánchez, Kristina Chouri, Julie (Nhung) Le, Mary, May Bee, Dannydoods, Yourpaljackie0, Dirty jack, Rae West, Cassiebean
CHARACTER CONCEPT ART: Vernicus E., PumpkinPurrfect, Ms. Angel, El015a, Moff, Rae West, Dannydoods, Graham W., Sarky, CandiGutz, DrawzALotSydney, Cassiebean
BACKGROUND ART AND PROP DESIGN: Yourpaljackie0, Kana, Kaci, Dmanix, Dannydoods, Squid, Mary, SofÃa Sánchez, RawrBeetz, Kristina Chouri
PROMOTIONAL ART AND LOGO DESIGN: Skullshroomz, CandiGutz, Vernicus E., Dannydoods, BooHoo, RandomJasper, Moff, May Bee, PumpkinPurrfect, Pauline Reinacher, Sarky, RawrBeetz, Dirty Jack, DrawzALotSydney, El015a
ANIMATION: Kristina Chouri, Dirty Jack, Julie (Nhung) Le, El015a, Graham W.
GAMEPLAY PROGRAMMING AND GUI: Smolspooklover Eva, Marionette, Hadara madrak, Rae West
MUSIC AND AUDIO ENGINEERING: Lavandula Nightstar, Vernicus E., Metamaniac, Owlscillate, Eric Jeffrey Tan, Corey LeVier, Rae West, Ivo Atlas
Corey LeVier - Bob Velseb, Red Devil, Roy
Braden Worton - Captain
Josh Edwards - Shotgun Man
 Kevin/ElusiveVA - Ross
Jackie/Galaxy/Jelly - Kelsey
Dontae Majors - Gary
 Elissa Park - Waitress 1 (Vevina) Â
Iggy Kidd - Waiter 2 (Becky) Â
Jacob Mira - Criminal/Entity Â
David Axel C Casanova - ???? Â
Tommy Estrada - ???