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Hi All.

So sorry if you have viewed my game and couldn't download it.
I am rather new to this and made a small error in that I forgot to activate the download thingy.


The Lost Prince Of Lorden - Part 1

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

The Lost Prince Of Lorden - part 1 is a Point and Click Adventure game very much in the vein of the old Sierra and Lucasarts adventure games.


You are on your way to Bridgetown, a large and prosperous village on the northern shores of Lorden.
There are four villages in all. One to the north, east, south and west points of the Isle.
You have travelled South, from The Lore Lands across the river Yeatham, to hold council with Good King Aarion in his castle.
He and his daughter, Princess Petal, command the four villages and the Isle of Lorden.

Reaching the castle gate your trusty steed becomes suddenly spooked, obviously by a feeling only it can sense, and throws you, unceremoniously, from its back.
You awake to find that you have no idea as to where you are or how you even ended up in this predicament.

I am working at the moment on Part 2 entitled 'Can't See The Forest For The Trees.'

#adventure #pointnclick #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

The Lost Prince Of Lorden - Part 2