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O homem por tr谩s do ruim
In 2005, notorious media watchdog activist Jack Thompson sent a press release offering a reward in the form of a charity donation if someone made and published a game in which the player violently attacks video game developers.
In February, 2006, a satire game based on this open letter was actually released, a freeware project courtesy of a team of indie developers under the "Thompsonsoft" label.
Now, 18 years later, Pedro Baretta brings his own vision to the formula.
You are a god-fearing, law-abiding citizen, it's the year of 2005, and society is corrupted in a way never before seen in human history. Feeling to swim against a current, you still have your trust-worthy gun with you, you take a look at the city lights and you have no doubt about it, it is the right thing to do.
Take a trip through six locations to seek and kill some of the most influential media people in the world.
路Go to San Francisco, CA, to kill famous occult writer Elizabeth Winther in her mansion.
路Go to Hollywood, CA, to kill film director Giovanni Rosati at the premiere of his newest bloodbath.
路Take a stop at New York City in order to kill notorious rapper Mac-T at his hotel room.
路Stop by Jacksonville, FL, and go all guns blazing at an event of the World Stardom Wrestling (WSW). I bet the audience will love to see a "massacre" on the ring.
路Take an international trip to Japan, and invade de offices of the Azuma Corps, a conglomerate with their noses on everything; from consumer electronics, to video games, comics, animation and pornography. Burn their archives and kill their chairman.
路After you complete all the stages, in the order you see fit, a final stage will unlock. Go to the Gaucho Highlands in southern Brazil and invade the science park of Barettopolis to seek and kill your nemesis: Pedro H. Baretta... Wait! What!?
The game offers five stages to be played in any order, completing them will unlock a final stage. Each stage uses a platform engine, the gameplay consists of platform-shooting, with light exploration elements (find key to open door, locate the target in the area...); some stages requires intense exploration, while others are more straight forward.
The player can collect money from enemies killed, which can be used to buy weapons in-between stages. Weapons and health-pickups can be collected across the current stage.
路Sub-machine gun: Ordinary toy gun they sell at department stores;
路Grenades: If you ain't scared of making things messy;
路Assault rifle: Works well at a crowded area;
路Shotgun: Armour-piercing ammo that will penetrate the flesh of the enemy;
路Flamethrower: These guys are gonna burn forever, they gotta be prepared for it.
路Graphics made using the Sega Mega Drive's sexy color palette;
路Over-the-top violence and gore; bowels coming out of bodies, legs and arms flying around after being severed by an explosion, screams of despair after being set on fire and the body starts to burn;
路Stages can be played in the order you want;
路Purchase weapons in between stages with money you steal from corpses. Have preference for a specific weapon? Stock ammo for it so you can use it as you please during a stage;
路Besides killing media people, you spend most of the game killing their bodyguards: Police officers, private security, man in black... They will come after you with water pistols and nightsticks, as well as grenades and rifles;
路Exploration elements; take a look around the area and you may find goodies to help you out.
路Distribution: Steam and Game Jolt; also maybe itch.io;
路Planned price: USD 5 (or USD 4.99);
路Release forecast: Late 2024;
路Genre: Platform-shooter;
路Modes: Single-player only;
路Difficulty: Challenging;
路Estimate playthrough: ~1 hour, with no deaths;
路Intended audience: Mature;
路Development tools: Game Maker: Studio.
This game is a satirical work. Pedro Baretta and it's label, Book Burning Productions, supports free speech and absolutely do not condone violence against artists and corporate executives.
Book Burning Productions is neither a registered company or trademark, it is just a fancy name for the development of this game.
Pedro Baretta is not affiliated with Sega Sammy Holdings, Jack Thompson, or the people involved with Thompsonsoft; such entities are cited only for reference.
路Youtube trailer: https://youtu.be/bfGHkilnpGk