
Tower of The Sun - SteamVR
You work in a city as a janitor where a large ominous tower looms over the landscape. Its height soars high above the clouds. The nation has praised over it being the ultimate pedestal to the gods. It brings the nation great wealth and prosperity, however creates terrible poverty and starvation across the world. This causes the neighboring countries to form a rival super nation and surround the city in an uprising. The priest confides in you to judge the crimes of the people, and sacrifice those who are guilty. #2018fargogamejam
Vote for us here!
Eric Maixner - Architect, Diplomat
Sjoerd Provoost - Carpenter
Alex Gwaltney - Friend
Kyle Weik - Guard
CJ Schnase - King
Jon BC - Priest, various
Meg Ridl - Sister, various
Molly Dowling - Stranger
Cindy-Mom Yungwirth - Worker
Ruben Tipparach - Programming, Character Models and Animation
Wren Erickson - 3D Models, Programming, Level Design
Meg Ridl - Music, Sound, Voice Recording, Writing
Jon BC - Character Art
Game Engine
Unity 3D
Tools Used
VRTK by the Stone Fox
Steam VR by Valve Corporation
Puppet Master by Root Motion
Salsa by Crazy Minnow Studios
Audio Composed in LMMS , Audacity, Sonic Foundry, Acid Pro 8
Audio Recording
by Jon BC and Meg Ridl
"Temple Theme (and variants)" - written, produced, performed by Meg Ridl
"Temple Hymn" - written, produced, performed by Meg Ridl
Additional Music
"Volatile Reaction" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
"Virtutes Vocis" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
"Ritual" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
"Dance of the Metaphysical" by A.J. Haayer
Sound effects - SoundBible.com, Freesound.org