Comments (16)
touhou gay
I love this
hey could you let me know the bgm for the whole game so I know where to download it from took me about most of a week of straight playing nonstop to beat it, since I suck at the series
Not bad for a first game. The Touhou gameplay is well respected, the musics are great and the original quality makes it better. Tough, it is way easier than an original Touhou game. (Can you tell me the name of the two first bosses? I do know that the third one is Utsuho Reiuji and the final one Satori.)
I'm sick, Feel like crap, And found a touhou game on gamejolt.
My first game ever. A poorly replicate of Touhou, a scrolling overhead shooter, created by Zun.
The gameplay is similar to Galactica. You begin with fighting a few enemies in waves and at the end, you fight a boss. To progress to the next stage, the player must defeat the boss, which has a couple of stages of life.
Reimu shoots cards and Marisa shoots magic. To shoot, the player has to press F. Every time they power up a level in their combat, they shoot more. In addition, each of them have a special force field that destroys everything in the way by using up some of their graze(IQ) by pressing F.
The collision box for your character is pretty small, so it’s hard for you to die. Even though it’s small, the bullets from the enemies make up for it. They shoot a lot especially the bosses, but if you’re coordinated enough, you can easily dodge them.