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Toxic Waste
6 Members


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Welcome to the toxic wastelands, traveler, I believe you are our only key to defeat the rising empire thats been building it self slowly, are you up for it though?
Watch out for the nuclear storms in the night though, you dont wanna be caught in that.

#other #action #rpg #shooter #free #scifi #fangame

You are a traveler in a post nuclear city (basically after a nuclear attack), a resistance member stops you and explains you what the hell is haappening, he mentions a empire (dont have a name for it yet) building up with corrupt people in it wanting to take over our freedom, so you join them as a recruit, you do missions for them gathering intel etc, then your first real mission will be to assassinate a lieutenant in the empire, with that you will gain the resistances trust and get yourself promoted to Sergeant of the Resistance. (Temp story)

Intense Fantasy Violence
Tobacco Reference
Strong Language
Simulated Gambling

Game isn't in making yet although will be soon, I want to see what the dev team will do with such a story I created for the game.